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First 60 days of “Virtual Office” Existence for Field Law, P.A.

July 8, 2016

About a year ago I left the practice of “family law” to focus my law practice strictly on estate planning and probate. I teamed up with WealthCounsel and ElderCounsel, two national, topshelf, estate planning and elder law planning support services companies, to provide my clients with quality, comprehensive and up-to- date services. In preparation for this transition, this past year I established client meeting locations in Roseville, Maple Grove and Cambridge, in addition to having a home office in Anoka.

Well, as of June 1, 2016, I transitioned my law practice further by leaving my ‘brick and mortar’ office behind and going ‘virtual’. Even the state judiciary now recognizes the future of a virtual practice by requiring an “efile” system for all legal actions throughout the state.

How does my virtual office work? Well, my legal assistant and I ‘converse’ via our cloud-based, encrypted, law office management system to coordinate our work. And I have a client login portal on my website (check it out at so that clients can see what’s happening on their file as it’s happening; & even message me via text messaging (don’t worry, we still print documents & send upon request). And my legal assistant and I meet with clients where they are at, in various locations, throughout the northern tier suburbs.

In the past 60 days, I met with an astonishing 31 estate planning and probate clients in Andover, Anoka, Cambridge, Coon Rapids, Maple Grove, Roseville, Spring Park and even Sandstone (that was a referral from an existing client). Not only did I venture to different cities but the visits took place in different settings. I met with clients in law office conference rooms, financial advisor offices, their own homes, their own business, senior living and assisted living centers, and restaurants. Yes, I drive a lot but I have enjoyed the scenic drives along the way (aka, Spring Park & Cambridge).

Because I got rid of a significant overhead expense I was also able to reduce my hourly rate for my probate clients and my flat fees for estate planning clients. And I still offer short turnaround times on estate planning documents.

I will admit that virtually (pardon the expression) all of the above appointments were referred to me by referral partners or former clients. I certainly value these referrals and thus I strive to provide quality products and interactions as the ultimate ‘thank you’ to my referral partners.

If the past 60 days are any indication, the move to a virtual office existence was the smart move.

Thanks to a number of you out there it has become a positive reality.

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