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Brave the Cold? No, Stay Home.

January 29, 2019

As I write this, Minnesota is about to enter its coldest days in over 20 years. Thirty below temperatures with wind chills up to 65 below. This would be a great time to try that vaporizing trick where a pot of boiled water is tossed up in the air and before a drop reaches the ground it vanishes in a mist. Or maybe we can just watch someone else do that on social media from the comfort of our own armchair.😊

So, what does cold weather have to do with Wills and Estate Planning?

Twice this week I have scheduled appointments with elderly clients where I meet them in their own homes. Whether it’s frigid temperatures, icy roads or long wintery walks when you are not that mobile, having someone come to you may be just the ticket. And this service is offered at no extra charge unless you are more than 25 miles from Anoka, my home base.

I am pleased to report that my new business model of multiple meeting locations (I now have meeting locations in Anoka, Cambridge, Elk River, Maple Grove and Roseville) in addition to making home visits, has generated a lot of referral business. In the month of January alone I have engaged 13 new clients with all but one coming from referrals or past clients. Word is getting around.

The combination of providing comprehensive, up-to-date estate planning documents via my affiliation with WealthCounsel, PLLP, and my three-week turnaround time on Wills and six-week turnaround time on Trusts, has all thrusters firing in the right direction.

It’s time to stop kicking that can down the road. It’s time to crush it. Let’s get that Will done–whether it be your place or mine.

The post Brave the Cold? No, Stay Home. appeared first on Field Law, P.A..

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